Wednesday, 16 November 2011

SEO... what a nightmare!!

                I used to consider myself as computer literate and very much up-to-date with all the technicalities of the World Wide Web. I even touched a bit of the basic html programming! Go me! Anyways then when Olivia's Apparel went live and there was no traffic coming in I began to think I'm not as up-to-date as I thought I was and that its time to do some research!
               As you can probably imagine the first thing I came across was SEO for those who don't know it means it's Search Engine Optimization... I mean don't get me wrong I think I know what it's all about but I just don't know how to use it? I'm stuck! I thought my keywords should be as relevant to my website content as possible and that's it. Well it looks like I was wrong! Apart from being relevant your keywords have to be unique so there was no competition from other websites in bidding for them and on the other hand there should be enough people searching for them to generate some traffic... now all the articles I'm reading are making this look complicated but doable, well I'm sorry and you can call me stupid if you like but I CAN'T DO IT! It seams very time consuming and I just don't have the time for it... is Olivia's Apparel doomed??? Or is not everything lost???
          Any suggestions are more then welcome.... any professionals, experts etc. if you are reading this, not that you ever will because my blog is probably invisible to search engines!!! but if so happens that you are reading this and you know the solution to my problem please feel free to let me know... because I am ready to give up.

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